Monday, May 24, 2010


The following DBQ is due on Friday, May 28th as part of your WWII exam. You are to provide a typed essay that relates to 8-10 documents that YOU provide. Each document must be no longer than a half page in length.

World War II was more important than the Great Depression in fundamentally transforming American society. Assess the validity of this statement based on your knowledge of American society between 1930 and 1945 and documents that you provide.

Provide at least one document from the following types:

Graph or chart
Political cartoon

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Life in the Tenaments

Explore the following websites devoted to virtual tours of NYC turn of the century tenements. Give a comparison/ contrast (both) assessment of life in the tenements as opposed to life on the prairies in the western US in the comments section below.

Urban Life:

Pioneer Life:

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Civil War

Visit and explore the digital archive at the link below. In your opinion, were the two communities more alike or different? Why do you think so? Which elements found the most similarities? The most differences?

Due by January 4th, 2010

Friday, November 20, 2009

Study Guide: Age of Jefferson

The multiple choice section questions cover the following topics:
1. Aaron Burr
2. Embargo of 1807
3. War of 1812
4. American System
5. Louisiana Purchase
6. Free African Americans
7. Monroe Doctrine
8. Westward Settlement
9. Marbury v. Madison
10. Louisana Purchase
11. Rebellion in Haiti
12. Election of 1800
13. Jeffersonian Republicanism
14. Missouri Compromise
15. Jefferson's Policies
16. Free African Americans
17. Second Great Awakening
18. Dividing Up Land
19. Foreign Relations
20. War Hawks
21. Missouri
22. Treaty of Ghent
23. Panic of 1819

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Famous People Quiz

John Deere; Horace Mann; Robert Fulton; Stephen Austin; Isaac Singer; Samuel Slater; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Nicholas Biddle; Cyrus McCormick; Joseph Smith

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Quasi-War/ Barbary Wars

The Quasi War, along with the Barbary Wars, are an understudied time period in American History. Your mission is to create a fun way to learn about one of these conflicts. You must create a teaching device in one of the following formats:

Board Game (See me if you need materials)

Website with flashgame

Website with online quiz

Video linked to online site

Below are some other websites to help with ideas:

Project is due Friday 10/30