Thursday, September 17, 2009

Prelude to Revolution

Examine the following website, then answer the following: In your opinion, which, in order, are the three most important events in the lead up to revolution, and why?


  1. 1.The Boston Massacre
    2.The Stamp Act
    3.The First Continental Congress
    The reason i feel these events were the three most important things that led up to the revolution are because they represent the three main stages of the revolution. The Boston Massacre is the most important because it finally set the americans apart from the british, and allowed the british to be an enemey worth fighting. The second is the Stamp Act because this is the first of many times that America really becomes upset with Britian, and the First Continental Congress is Important because it was the first time that america showed unity amoung all the colonies (except georgia) and a common agreement that britian should be removed from power.

  2. Wow Aaron, way to steal my idea. But seriously, the Boston Massacre, the Stamp Act and The First Contintental Congress are all "firsts" for America (or leading into an independent America). Each event lead to more significant events, and inpired more patriotism and anger towards the motherland(which means more pride for independent America). The Stamp Act, was the first to cause real hatred against England, leading to rebeling in America. ENgland, relizing this , passed other acts (quartering, currency); after these acts were passed, the Sons of Liberty came around. The Boston Massacre was another "first" for America; providing the division between "us and them"; America and Britain (almost like making an agreement between the two that there was no longer a friendly connection); boston massacre probubly gave motivation for the Boston Tea Party. And finally the first continental congress was first step to an official independence, creating the real seperation of ideas and where each comlony stood on the road to independence. oh and i dont know if this wil go on b/c i dont know what profile thing i';m supposed to select..soo.....

  3. 1. The First Continental Congress (1774)
    2. The Coercive Acts (1774)
    3. The Stamp Act (1765)
    I think the first continental congress is the most important because it was the point at which the colonies initiated a united force against the British. The coercive acts were the next most important because they started the worst problems for the americans. It was the first real harm the british brought upon the colonists because the people of Boston were physically starving when the port closed. This created a response from the colonies because it wasnt debatable that bad things were happening. The third most important was the stamp act because it was what started the ball rolling for independence because of the gruop or lawyers and printers the British targteted. It was the first instigation of independence.

  4. 1. Boston Massacre
    2. Stamp Act
    3. Coercive/ Intolerable Acts
    I believe that the Boston Massacre is the most important event to lead up to Revolution because it was the first killings between both sides. Though both sides could argue who was to blame, it gave the Americans an event to rally behind to sway others for revolution. The Stamp Act was the first tax to be put upon the colonies, to pay for the high costs of the British military in America. They saw this tax unjust because they were to pay to the mother country, not to their direct legislatures. I think that the Coercive or Intolerable Acts were the last tax that was put upon the colonies that lead them to revolution because I think the colonist were pushed too far. They had been taxed and taxed and when Intolerable tax came around, they were done with the mother country. The Intolerable Acts brought together the First Continental Congress, which was America’s first out reach to become their own country, and lead to the American Revolution

  5. I think accumulation of events led to the revolution and it took many events to spark the initial blow. However, I think the most important events are
    1. First Continental Congress (1774)
    2. Boston Massacre (1770)
    3. Stamp Act (1765)
    I believe the First Continental Congress was the most important, because it showed colonists they were now trying to unite as one. By representatives from all colonies (except Georgia) meeting in one designated location made a lot more colonist look at colonies as a whole. Also, I think this Congress gave Britian a weary feeling of unity and gave the colonies a mind of its own.
    The Boston Massacre was the first real event that showed the difference between the colonies and Britian. This massacre shed blood which opened the eyes of once oblivious colonists and proved that not all British were saints and maybe it would be good to seperate.
    Finally, the Stamp Act gave the colonies a common hatred to unify against. The colonies formed many anti- act organizations and left them more with a feeling of hatred towards the British and a more common association with the rest of the colonies.

  6. 1. Boston Massacre
    2. First Continental Congress
    3. Stamp Act

    I think that the Boston Massacre was one of the most important things leading up to the revolution, for it was the first act of violence between British troups and colonists that ended in casualties (the skirmish was in august of 1766). The Boston Massacre showed that the Colonists and the Brits were in the temperment to fight, and gave the Colonists a main reason to hate the British, because they had killed their fellow countrymen (well, I suppose that some may have thought that way...).
    The First Continental Congress was also quite important, for it was the first real union of a majority of the colonies (states), showing that they could unite under one nation and makde decisions.
    The Stamp Act was a contributing factor as well, for it provided the colonists with a common reason to hate the British, and gave those most affected by it the will to speak out and spread hatred of the King and Parlament.

  7. 1.First Contenital Congress
    2.Boston Massacre
    3.Tea Act

    I think that the First Contenital Congress was one of the most important events because it showed how the colonies were starting to unite and how they wanted to start making their own laws and having their own governmnet.
    The Boston Massacre was also important because it showed how angry the colonists were, and how they werent afraid to rebel. It also was one of the first extreme incidents between the Britsh and the Colonists.
    The Tea Act was signifigant because it made the colonists very angry. They were really sick of all the taxes and laws from the King, so when this act was passed they completely rebelled. For example, when they dumped all the tea into the Harbor ( The Boston Tea Party). I think that these three events were the most important leading up to the Revolution.

  8. 1. Boston Massacre
    2. Stamp Act
    3. Boston Tea Party
    I think that the Boston Massacre was most important because it gave the coloniosts who were nuetral toward Britain a reason to dislike them because they were killing "inocent" colonists. It got much more support for the revolution.
    The Stamp act was important because it gave the colonists the idea that they shouldn't have to be taxed and gave more people a reason to hate the British.
    The Boston Tea Party was important because it made the British government mad at the colonsits, which led to them implimenting harsher taxes like the Intolerable Acts. These Acts led to the revolution.

  9. 1. Currantcy ACT
    2. boston tea party
    3. boston massacure
    I think that the currancy act is most important because it stopped all printing of money in the colonies. This put a huge strain on the economy and almost put it at a stand still. I choose the boston tea party secound because it was one of the first big revolts in america that helped spark the need for independence. It also told britian that it was time for change do it or i will. The boston massacure went third because it sent a message to the continential congress. Saying that we need to do something ,and that britian has gone to far this time.
